Wednesday 6 July 2011

Summer Reading

I was in assembly when Mr. Trevis announced the summer reading recommendations booklet available in the library to help stimulate sixth form reading habits over the summer.

Well ... to help continue to promote this idea I have come up with three books that might be of interest to those studying art.

The first is 'Colour: Travels through the Paintbox' by Victoria Finlay. 

This is a great summer read because not only is it about art it is about travel, chemistry and adventure.  In this book you can find out the origins of the colours you use on a daily basis in order to stimulate others and create magnificent works of art.

Second is Diane Ackerman's 'A Natural History of the Senses'.
The back cover describes it best when noting that it "is a vibrant exploration of our ability to smell, hear, taste, see and touch.  [...] Ackerman takes each of the five senses in turn and weaves together scientific fact with lore, literary allusion and voluptuous description.  With wit and style she tells of the invention of the croissant, why the Empress Josephine wore violet-scented perfume; why music moves us; why we see in colour and why lovers feel delight when they touch."

Lastly I would recommend Barbara Kingsolver's 'Small Wonder: Essays'.  If you are looking for smaller snippets that you can use to exercise your imagination and take you in to the world of a variety of other people than the 23 short 'essays' - although more like stories - will do the job.  However, they each have very poignant underlying messages about the world we live in.


Happy reading.

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