Monday 6 June 2011

isolation / interaction

"If isolation tempers the strong, it is the stumbling-block of the uncertain." - Paul Cezanne, artist

“The television image … is an expansion of the tactile sense … a medium, which includes all of our senses in an in-depth interaction.” Marshall McLuhan, media theorist

The terms isolation and interaction offer the opportunity for students to develop work that is based on either one or both of the concepts.  The terms also provide an opening for a variety of genres, media and subject matter.  So ... it is up to you to discover your own way of interpreting these ideas and also to try and create a concept that will explore things that inspire you as well as play to your strengths and extend your artistic vocabulary. 

A variety of artists could be linked to this area of exploration.  Below are a few examples and possible interpretations.  Select an artist and explore/analyse how their work might be an effective response to the title 'isolation/interaction'.

... of form - Artists: Graham Crowley, Wanda Koop
... of people - Artists: Peter Doig, Elizabeth Peyton, Jenny Saville, Chiharu Shiota
... of objects – Artists: Vija Celmins, Luc Tuymans
... of ideas – Artists: Joseph Cornell, Keith Tyson, Yoshitomo Nara, Tracey Emin
... landscapes - Artists: Caspar Friedrich, Eleanor Bond, Paul Noble, Paul Catherall    

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