Wednesday 25 May 2011

factual beginnings

Terry Winters in the Tate Shots video clip discusses his 'factual beginnings'.  He sees factual beginnings as the concrete starting points for a painting or group of works and notes that like a landscape painter looking at landscapes he is an artist who looks to science for inspiration.

I too have looked to science for inspiration.  My work produced through my time at university was heavily associated to botany, biology and the natural world.  For instance, my interest in lichen and microscopic form was linked to associations with lung function and air pollutants. 

A second aspect of Winter's work that is of interest is his use of paint and the characteristics of the material.  Within one of his statements Winter's recalls how "painting’s capacity to make images through the manipulation of materials seems to be its most powerful and magical quality. How a painting is built is a big part of what it means. Mark-making, gesture and touch—those are the key components as to how to generate images through painting." (artzizzle).

Below is an example of Winters' work, In Blue, 2008, oil on linen 

Terry Winters / In Blue / 2008 / Oil on linen / 88 × 112 inches / Matthew Marks Gallery

and my work umbilicaria torrefacta, 2002, oil on canvas.

What is your 'factual beginning' and why?

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